Tuesday 11 August 2015

The Neverending Eyeliner Search

Anyone who knows me will tell you - I love eyeliner, always have, always will.

Over the years I have dabbled with many brilliant brands, but never found The One.

When I was younger, it was kohl all the way, and I mastered the cat eye with a pencil.  As I've gotten older, I've become accustomed to a felt tip liner, and here brings my dilemma.


I found a great contender in the Collection 2000 24 hour felt liner (4/5) - cheap as it rings in at £2.99, lovely jet black, glides on and the nib is JUST the right size between thin and thick.  This has actually been my staple throughout the hunt as it's cheap as fuck and doesn't affect my sensitive eyes. This is an example of it applied.

Avon also do one, the Super Extend Liquid Eyeliner (3/5). Again, a good sized nib though quite sharp.  I got this in navy for a change, and although it prints on your eyelid within an hour of using it, it's a lovely colour and really does last (so much so that even after scrubbing it off with makeup remover I had blue outlines until I applied fresh makeup the next day.  I may try it in black when I next get near a catalogue.  This also slightly irritated my eyes, and I especially found once removed that my eyelids stung.

Colorsport (3/5) was a brand that caught my eye on sale through my day job.  They usually have their products hanging up in the beauty tool section, with this 24hour eyeliner being packaged on a hanging card.  This was actually an eyeliner I used to use when I first discovered felt liners, and I remember it being amazing.  However, I repurchased it recently and it doesn't seem the same, it goes on very well, the nib is again a great size, but it wears off very quickly. Still, I will keep using it as it cost me £8 and it does the trick for work.

Revlon Colorstay have a felt liner (2/5) and after being recommended it by a friend, I gave it a go and I didn't get on too well with it.  The nib is a lot thinner than the others, and I found it smelt odd (yes I'm weird). It also didn't stay on too long, which is always the decider for me because I'm just too darn busy to keep reapplying makeup all day.  Whenever I've worn it it hasn't been very bold colour-wise either, usually my eyeshadow has shown through within an hour or so of applying.

My final review is one that I stumbled on whilst browsing Superdrug this week and the reason for this blog. My trusty Collection 2000 was running out and I figured I needed a new one, but I found myself at the Loreal stand. I haven't noticed their eyeliners before, so it must be relatively new (I use their foundations, powders and blushes religiously) - the Superstar Superliner (4/5).

Check out that nib. Glorious! It is very black, glides on just like the C2000, and what's more IT STAYS. Yes! It actually stays on, doesn't print on your eyelid, and lasts a good amount of the day.  I feel this product will last well in heat (yet to try that one out..) and I think I may be converted.  It does cost £7 but if it's as good as it seems to be I really don't mind!

As you can see, none of them have top marks, so the hunt is still on.  I expect some of the high end brands may bring it all to the table, but I'm a high street gal at heart.  I hope this has been of some help to my fellow liner addicts, and please do comment if you've tried anything particularly spectacular that you think I should try!

New Infusing Toy

Sounds a bit ominous, but I promise you.. It's pretty tame.

A month or so back I decided to jump on the bandwagon and purchase myself a water infusing bottle.   Great, I said, will make me drink so much more water, I said.  Of course, same as most things I used it twice then it put on its invisibility cloak and returned a gym bottle.

I must admit, the only thing that I really liked in it was strawberrys, and blueberries but this is probably because I didn't actually buy anything else to try... I dabbled with  bit of cucumber but I'm not gonna lie, it tasted a bit rough.  I'm a sugar gal.

But yeah, given the right strawberries, it tasted great, and I DID drink a lot more on the days I used it.  

Fast forward a month and I'm sitting here, Once Upon A Time marathon in full swing, and I am PARCHED.  As normal, being the avid soft drink fanatic that I am, I only have half a carton of hazelnut milk, a bottle of redundant strawberry and kiwi squash for emergencies that JUST.WONT.DO, and plain ole h20 in my fridge.  Here comes the ingredients for the genius which has become my debut blog....

1. Water infuser bottle filled with water (or a glass of water will do, if you're that quenched you haven't got time to faff)
2.  A couple of herbal/green tea bags (the amount depends on how strong you like it)
3. Sugar (small amounts, if needed, we are trying to be healthy after all!)

THATS RIGHT FOLKS, I have many herbal teabags knocking about my flat that smell amazing and taste..okay.., and that I've never got round to drinking.  So on impulse I thought, hey, I'm thirsty, I could really drink that Blackberry and Blueberry tea cold right now.

I dunked two teabags in a cold cup of water, and within a few minutes the water was pink and infused.  This is where my plan was devised.

My instructions to you are this.  Stick the teabags into the infusing tunnel, put it back in your bottle of water and voila.. Instant iced tea (ice optional). Tasty and hydrating, easy and cheap.

I can't wait for work tomorrow.